Quality Assurance Procedures
Owens Supply Company (OSC) strives to ensure a safe work place. Our production facility meets or exceeds the safety requirements of OSHA construction industry standard (29 CFR 1926).
Owens Supply Company (OSC) as required by AWS 01.4 (WPS) uses Visual Inspection (VT) of all welds on a daily schedule as follows.
1. Material-Ali materials that are to be fabricated will indicate producer, heat number, grade, type, & size. In addition the material will be inspected for cleanliness and freedom from defects.
2. Process-During welding (OSC) will indicate welding machine, wire size, speed & amperage settings. Verification that we are compliant with specified (WPS).
3. Inspection-Upon completion of each weld using appropriate lighting the size, appearance, bead profile and surface quality will be visually inspected. Upon completion of each assembly a supervisor will conduct an overall Inspection for fitness of purpose.
Environmental responsibility Is an Integral part of our business, not an obligatory side Issue.
Our primary 80alls to find solutions that make sense, both economically and ecologically, and to use resources efficiently while minimizing environmental impact. Reusable packaging and containers for parts shipping are used where possible.
Daniel Owens
Owens Supply Company LLC
10052 Clow Creek Rd
Plainfield, Il. 60585